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45231 on the Jacobite, 67009 & 156s at Fort William
Jacobite Steam Train reverses into Fort William
28/05/14 - 45231 - The Jacobite - Glenfinnan Viaduct
Video shot from The Jacobite, leaving Fort William Station
The Jacobite & Caledonian Sleeper at Fort William
EWS 67009 arrives With The Caledonian Sleeper at Fort William Station
45231 "The Sherwood Forrester" on Jacobite
Fort Willaim Railway Station 20/09/09-21/09/09
44871 Black 5 at Fort William The Jacobite
View from the Jacobite Steam train leaving Fort William
156 453 arrives at Fort William, whilst 45407 runs round the Jacobite.
Stations Scenes at Fort William and Malliag June 2013